Working alongside HGP Architects and urban designer John Hearn we have successfully gained reserved matters approval for a ‘landscape-led’ design that responds to our landscape analysis and field work assessments.
Our masterplan reflects the historic landscape patterns that have shaped Picket Piece creating a development framework with a strong north-south orthogonal design. We are reflecting the smallholdings and hedgerow patterns found locally whilst retaining important views to the North Wessex Downs.
Orthogonal streets
Our orthogonal arrangement of streets and spaces coupled with a strong internal landscape structure
allows the development to stitch into its rural edge setting. We’ve used a simple pallet of vernacular materials to provide a high-quality extension to this North Hampshire settlement.
Applying a range of Green Infrastructure principles, the masterplan will bring these benefits to future residents:
- a public open space strategy featuring edible landscape / communal areas
- an area of public open space comprising equipped play and informal rest / recreation
- generous use of native trees
- ecological connectivity whilst retaining important views towards the countryside

We strongly believe that our approach at Picket Piece demonstrates how a robust landscape analysis should form the basis for master planning to deliver green infrastructure and associated well-being for future communities.
If you’re interested in discussing our approach in more detail, please contact Phil or Joe to discuss.